Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What Should I Fertilize My Lawn With In The Spring?

It's spring, which means it's time to feed your lawn! If you haven't done it yet, don't skip this important part of maintaining your landscaping, and making sure you have the best looking house on the block!

What do I recommend you use? 
A granular fertilizer containing both a high first number and the chemical Dithiopyr.
That first number you see on the bag of fertilizer is the most important nutrient for your lawn; Nitrogen.
Nitrogen helps to promote a thick, dense lawn with the deep green color you are looking for. 

Dithiopyr is known for it's pre-emergent magic on crabgrass. Since we are already into May, is it too late to use this chemical? No!
Little do many people know, Dithiopyr also provides early post-emergent control of crabgrass and over 40+ grassy and broad leaf weeds. 

Depending on the size of your lawn, you can use a hand or push spreader to properly disperse the granules throughout your lawn. 

A 50 pound bag of 19-0-0 Anderson's Fertilizer, like we carry here at Nature's Home and Garden in Brighton and Nature's Garden Center in Saline, will generally cover 10,000 square feet at a medium application rate.

With the pricing we offer; $29.99 per bag or two for $50, you can even stock up for next spring!

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